Maximising Results


This practical and interactive session explores the importance of maximising results. Learners will explore a range of tools and techniques that will guide them on how to maximise performance within their teams, creating clarity and focus for their people.



Using facilitated discussions and challenging activities, participants will learn to understand the critical principles associated with maximising results by maximising performance.

The training content shapes learners understanding that a result’s focussed environment contributes to employee wellbeing, customer satisfaction and, ultimately, the cash flow and bottom line of the organisation. Consequently, learners will uncover what maximising performance means to them and their teams, helping them get to grips with the language and terminology of high-performance.

Trainer led discussion will cover how learners focus their energies, applying Covey’s circles of influence and concern model to aid their reflection. The cycle of planning, doing and reviewing is harnessed to drive actions that will enable them and their teams to focus on relevant activities. This is delivered on the backdrop of effectively balancing risk and reward, ensuring that they understand that all actions they take, will encounter an element of both.

The training session moves onto getting the best out of people, placing a lens over their teams. By reflecting on their team’s actions and attitudes, learners can consider how they are balancing challenge and support for each team member. This process provides scope and space to reflect on the opportunities they have to delegate tasks and responsibilities to others.

The final elements of the training materials explain how learners monitor and evaluate the performance of their team. Through facilitated coach discussion, participants will understand the importance of proactive follow-up, reviews and feedback. By doing so, they can keep track of performance and address any potential issues before they escalate.

Learning Outcomes

As an outcome of this development, delegates will be able to:
  • Understand the importance of maximising results for the organisation
  • Identify the challenges and barriers to achieving peak results
  • Assess the risk and reward profile for maximising performance, applying this knowledge to support their decisions and focus
  • Understand how to manage performance in a way that focuses on clear deliverables and follow-up
  • Explore models that allow managers to get the best out of people.

Training Content

  • Understanding what maximising results mean
  • Identifying the barriers/challenges associated with these
  • Applying briefing and debriefing techniques to focus people on the right things
  • Understanding how to use ‘Specific, Measurable, Time-bound’ (SMT) as a method to drive results
  • Learning how to apply risk and reward analysis to inform decision making
  • Assessing team performance and readiness to maximise results.

Training Breakdown

  • Welcome and Scene Setting
    • Maximising Results training overview and objectives
  • Getting to Grips with Maximising Results
    • Understanding performance terminology
    • The role of leadership
    • Influence or Concern?
    • What’s my motivation?
    • Overcoming barriers to driving performance
  • Performance Focus
    • Understanding what needs to be delivered
    • Plan, Do and Review in practice
    • Goals and objectives that drive results
  • Weighing Up the Risk and Reward
  • Getting the Best Out of People
    • A lens on the team
    • Support versus Challenge
    • The art of delegation
    • Delegation know-how
    • Dealing with delegation challenges
    • Over to you
    • Briefing and debriefing
  • Ongoing Review and Focus
    • How to do it?
  • Commitment to Action

Training Duration

  • Full day

Training Materials Included

  • Script (Workshop)
  • PowerPoint
  • Materials Checklist
  • Joining Instructions
  • Trainer Guidance
  • Flip Chart Guide
  • Workbooks
  • Activity Briefs/Supporting Materials
  • Learning Evaluation Form

Additional information

Delivery Method


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